Romans 8:1-27
v1-9: What a comfort it is to know that those who are in Christ Jesus will not be condemned. "They may be corrected by the Lord, but they will not be condemned with the world." There is no condemnation because their sin was condemned when Jesus was condemned, and because of this not only are they saved from condemnation, God is even well pleased with them.
v10-16: All who are in Christ have the privilege of being sons of God, "received into God's family by adoption, recognised and loved by him as his children." They have the Spirit in them "to produce in them the nature of children," which includes "a sonlike love for, delight in, and dependence on God as a Father," and being taught "to come to God as a Father in prayer with a holy, humble confidence."
v17-25: When Christ returns the children of God will appear in their true colours. It will then be known what we will be.
v26-27: Prayer is often a struggle because of foolishness, weakness and distraction. "We do not know what to ask for in our requests," and "we do not know how to pray as we should." The Spirit helps us in prayer. "As an enlightening Spirit, the Spirit teaches us what to pray for; as a sanctifying Spirit, he effects and stirs praying graces; as a comforting Spirit, he silences our fears and helps us overcome all discouragements."