Romans 13
v1-7: "Such is the power of sin and corruption that many will not be restrained from the greatest crimes, and such as are most harmful to human society, by any regard for the law of God and nature or the wrath to come, but only by the fear of temporal punishment." It is necessary that that laws are put in place by those God has put in authority over us that have penalties for those who breaks them, and this is "in harmony with, and not contradictory to, the Gospel," and unless they are contrary to God's law, we should submit to them.
v8-10: We fulfil the law by loving one another. "Those who tempt others to sin and corrupt their minds and consciences, though they may claim the most passionate love, really hate them, just as Satan does." To love one another is to avoid doing what may harm, offend, or grieve anyone, and to actively seek to do all the good we can possibly do to them. "It is a sin not only to plot evil against your neighbour but also to withhold good."
v11-14: The Christian's daily life includes four things: when to wake up, how to get dressed, how to behave, and what provision to make. We are to wake up now from "the sleep of worldly self-confidence, laziness and negligence, out of the sleep of spiritual death and spiritual lethargy." We are to get dressed by putting off the sinful works of darkness and putting on the Lord Jesus Christ who is "the best clothing for Christians to adorn themselves with." We are to put Him on "as Lord to rule you, as Jesus to save you, and in both as Christ, anointed and appointed by the Father to this ruling, saving work.” We are to behave in a way that is consistent with the gospel, abstaining from all excess in eating and drinking, from sexual immorality, and from strife and envying. And though our great desire must be for our souls, we are not neglect the body but we should ensure that "immoral appetites must be restrained and denied."