Romans 12:3-21
v3-8: Individual believers are members of the body of Christ and have their "own place and role for the good and benefit of the whole and of every other member." The gifts they have are good gifts from a kind God. "Just as we must not, on the one hand, become proud of our talents, so, on the other hand, we must not bury them," by not putting them to use.
v9-16: The love we have for one another in the church is to be an affectionate love, a respectful love, a generous love, a sympathising love, a united love, and a gracious love. This love will be expressed in both word and action.
v17-21: We must show love to our enemies, whoever they are, but seeking to do to them all the good we can. "When anyone has done you any harm, neither desire nor try to bring similar trouble or inconvenience on them." There are good reasons why we should not seek vengeance. "If we do, we step into God’s throne and take his work out of his hands," and because "God will do so if we humbly leave the matter with him." By showing love to our enemies we may soften their feelings towards us and lead them to repent, or alternatively will prove that they are deserving of God's vengeance towards them.