Revelation 5

v1-5: God’s great purposes for the church and the world are “stated and fixed.” They are “all determined, and everything expressed in decrees and recorded.” They are contained in a scroll in the hand of God which is closed and sealed, and “known to no one except him until he allows it to be opened.” Can anyone open this scroll and “explain or fulfil the purposes of God.” No one in heaven - “none of the glorious holy angels” - could break the seals and open the scroll. No one on earth - “no man or woman, not even the wisest or the best people” - could break the seals and open the scroll. No one under the earth - “none of the fallen angels… and none of the departed human spirits” - could break the seals and open the scroll. Who can? Only the Lord Jesus Christ, “the One who is both divine and human and bears the office of Mediator between God and humanity is fit and worthy to open and fulfil all the purposes of God toward people.”

v6-7: Jesus “is a lion to conquer Satan, and a lamb to satisfy the justice of God.” He has the marks of his suffering, “to show that he interceded in heaven in the power of his atonement.” The seven horns and seven eyes, show that He has “perfect power to fulfil all the will of God and perfect wisdom to understand it all and to do it” in the way most effective. Jesus “delights to reveal and to do the will of his Father,” and so “the whole world has reason to rejoice,” and praise Him.

v8-14: The church is to praise the Lord Jesus Christ because He is worthy “for this great work of opening and fulfilling the will and purpose of God,” having redeemed them “from slavery to sin, guilt, and Satan,” and “set them free to serve him and enjoy him.” The angels in heaven agree “with the church in acknowledging the infinite merits of the Lord Jesus in dying for sinners.” This song is echoed by the whole of creation, for He “rescues creation from [the] bondage under which it groans because of human corruption and the just curse declared by the great God at the Fall.” We are to join in now with songs of heaven, worshipping and glorifying God “for our creation and for our redemption.”