Revelation 19

v1-4: Heaven’s response to Babylon’s downfall is celebration. “They praised the Lord for the truth of his word and the righteousness of his providence, especially in the great event of the downfall of Babylon.” God has been victorious over this world in rebellion to Him, and “for this outstanding example of divine justice they ascribed salvation, and glory, and honour and power, unto our God.” We are called to join in with this praise, taking “the tuneful sound from the angels” and repeating it. God is to be praised for His just judgment as well as His gracious salvation.

v5-10: Christ will marry His bride, the people of God. They will be dressed “in the robes of Christ’s righteousness, both imputed for justification and imparted for sanctification - the white robe of absolution, adoption, freedom, purity, and universal holiness.” These robes were received “as the gift of her dear Lord.” All of God’s people, Christ’s bride are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb. If you are trusting in the Lamb who was slain for your sins, you are invited! The good news is that it is not too late for you to repent of your sins, believe in Jesus, and join the multitude that make up His bride and share in this meal.

v11-21: The Lord Jesus Christ, “the great and glorious head of the church,” will be victorious over the beast, this world’s leaders who oppose God and persecute His people, and the false prophet, the false teachers who try to deceive them. They will be thrown into hell, and “made incapable of harming the church of God anymore.” Those who follow the beast and the false prophet, “must fall and perish with them,” because “they wanted to fight for them.”