Revelation 13

v1-10: The beast from the sea “was set up by the Devil and supported by him to do his work and advance his interests, and the Devil gave him all possible help.” The saints in heaven “are above the reach of his power,” but “the saints on earth are more exposed to his cruelty, and he sometimes is permitted to trample on and triumph over them.” The beast stands for the governments, kingdoms, and states that have been corrupted by Satan and which keep on rising up throughout history and which persecute God’s people. Our response is to be “patience in facing the prospect of such great sufferings” and faithfulness because we “have the prospect of such a glorious deliverance.”

v11-18: The beast from the earth “advances the same interests and pursues substantially the same intentions,” as the beast from the sea, “which are to draw people away from worshipping the true God to worship those who by nature are not gods, and to subject human souls and consciences to human will and authority, in opposition to the will of God.” This beast are “imposters who, under the pretence of religion,” get people chasing after everything and anything that is not the One True God. Be alert for this deceptive teaching.