Philippians 3:7-11
v7-8: For sinners, knowing Christ is better than everything else, because only He can provide them, in their fallen situation, "with all they need and all they can wish and hope for, with all necessary saving wisdom and saving grace." Even the best this world has to offer is "not only less valuable than Christ, they are utterly contemptible when they compete with him."
v9: Jesus provides for us a righteousness that is "complete and perfect," and we receive this when we believe in Him. "Faith is the ordained means of actually sharing in and knowing the saving benefits of what has been purchased by his blood."
v10: The desire of a Christian is to not only "receive the benefit of Christ's death and resurrection" in justifying them, but also in becoming like Him. "To know the power of Christ's death and resurrection putting to death sin" in them and raising them "to a new life."
v11: Our happiness although great, will not be complete when our souls at death depart immediately to be with Christ. It is at "resurrection of the dead at the last day," when our "soul and body will be glorified together" that the happiness of heaven will be fully experienced.