
Paul wrote this letter while a prisoner in Rome.  He "looked on the believers of Philippi as his children, and, having begotten them through the Gospel, he wanted to nurture and build them up through the same Gospel" using "all means to continue the good work that was begun among them and build on the foundation that had been laid."  These believers at Philippi had shown kindness to Paul, sending him "a gift given when no other church shared with him in giving and receiving."

Philippians 1:1-2

v1: Paul writes this letter to all the saints.  No distinction is made between them.  It for the weakest believer as well as for the strongest.  It is for the poorest believer as well as for the richest.  It is for those with the smallest gifts as well as for those with the greater ones.  "Christ makes no distinction; rich and poor meet together in him," and "we must not show favouritism as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ."

v2: "There is no peace without grace," and both this peace and grace that we need comes from God our Father, "the fountain and origin of all blessings," and through our Lord Jesus Christ, who "as Mediator is the channel that brings all spiritual blessings to the church."