Numbers 29

v1-11: For the Israelites, there were more festivals “in the seventh month than in any other month of the year.” As it was between harvest and seedtime, they had more spare time available to them for worship. “The more spare time we have from the pressing demands of this life, the more time we should spend directly serving God.”

v12-40: At this festival, where they were to express their joy, a sin offering was presented every day. All our sacrifices of praise “cannot be accepted by God unless we also share in the great sacrifice of atonement that Christ offered when he made himself a sin offering for us.”

Numbers 30

v1-2: The promises we make to God must “not be yes and then no.” Every promise to God “is a commitment of our soul.” When we make a public profession to God, such as in baptism, we must feel it “commit us to leave all sin and to be taken up with the whole will of God.”

v3-16: God’s laws are “meant to strengthen the ties of family relationships.” They preserve “the good order of families” and “the principle of duty, reverence, and submission.”