Matthew 8
v1-4: The healing of the leper is proof that Christ can save his people from their sins. "Sin is the leprosy of the soul; it excludes us from fellowship with God, and if we want to be restored to that fellowship, we must be cleansed from this leprosy, and this should be our great concern."
v5-13: When we humbly confess our sins and spiritual needs to Jesus we can expect to receive a favourable answer from Him like the centurion did. Isn't this an encouragement to come to Christ for mercy?
v14-17: We are saved by Christ to serve Christ. "It is right that those whom Christ has healed should minister to him as his humble servants all their lives."
v18-22: Before anyone begins to follow Jesus, they should sit down and count the cost so that they are aware of what they are committing to.
v23-27: The cry of the disciples was “Lord, save us.” They believed that Jesus could save them and they begged Him to. Christ came into the world to save, but it is only those who call on the name of the Lord that will be saved.
v28-34: The demons know, believe, and confess that Jesus is the Son of God. They know who Jesus is but hate Him and refuse to submit to His rule. “It is not knowledge but love that distinguishes saints from devils.”
Matthew 9
v1-8: If Jesus has the power to give eternal life, He also has the power to forgive sins. If we are to reach heaven the great barrier of our guilt must be removed.
v9-13: Christ is found by those who do not seek Him. Matthew was not looking for Christ, but He was found by Him. Jesus spoke first. He said “Follow me,” and “the same divine almighty power accompanied this word to convert Matthew that accompanied the words, “Arise and walk,” to heal the paralytic.” Those whom Christ is seeking will arise and follow Him at His call.
v14-17: The other Gospel writers record how the Pharisees joined with the disciples of John in accusing Jesus about what He and His disciples were doing. “It is nothing new for evildoers to set good people at each other’s throats; if the people of God differ in their attitudes, scheming adversaries will seize the opportunity to sow seeds of discord and make them angry with one another.” Be on guard against this.
v18-26: The little girl really was dead, but not so to Christ who had already “determined to make her death merely a sleep.” This is true for all who die in the Lord. For them, death is a sleep, and "on the morning of the resurrection, when they will awake refreshed, to a new life, to be richly dressed and crowned; they will awake to sleep no more.” This the hope that Christ gives to us who believe.
v27-34: Faith comes by hearing. These two men could not see Jesus or His miracles, yet they believe He can heal them. We cannot see Him either, and yet we trust that He can save us based on what we have heard about Him.
v35-38: Sheep need shepherds. Everyone who loves Christ will want to pray that He will raise up more faithful, wise, and hardworking labourers to be used by Him in the salvation of sinners and the strengthening of saints. When there is lack of good workers, we should pray more.