Matthew 6
v1-4: Giving is a duty of all Christians, but we must not give for show, so that people would have a higher opinion of us. “When we take the least notice of our good deeds ourselves, God takes most notice of them.”
v5-8: God knows our needs better than we do. “If He does not give His people what they ask, it is because He knows they do not need it and that it is not for their good; He is a better judge of that than we ourselves.” We are to depend on God, not dictate to Him.
v9-18: Jesus helps us in our weakness by giving us words to pray in this prayer "composed by Him and appointed by Him.” This normal pattern and way of prayer "teaches us to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and then to hope that other things shall be added.”
v19-24: We all have something that we make our treasure, which we set our heart on and depend on for the future. Christ “warns us against making the things that are seen, which are temporal, our best things and locating our happiness in them.” Instead, we should aim at the kingdom of heaven; to press on toward it; to be diligent about making sure it is ours; to be determined not to fall short of it; and to put heaven and heavenly blessings before the world and all worldly delights.
v25-34: You are precious to God. To the birds of the air, He is their Maker and Lord, their Owner and Master, but to you, He is also your Father. Your Heavenly Father has all the resources to supply your needs. He already knows what they are, but He wants to know them from you and you to trust that He will provide them.