Matthew 19
v1-12: “If husband and wife are by the will and appointment of God joined together in the strictest and closest union, then they are not to be lightly, and for just any reason, separated; if the knot is sacred, it cannot be easily untied.”
v13-15: The best thing we can do for our children and the children in the church is to commit them to the Lord Jesus and ask Him to bless them.
v16-22: An excessive love for the world and an enjoyment of it will keep us from eternal life. Christians shows that they are heirs of eternal life by preferring “heavenly treasures to all the wealth and riches of this world” and by being willing to “dispose of what we have in this world for the honour of God and in his service."
v23-30: "When we think how good God is, it may seem amazing that so few are his, but when we think how bad people are, it is more amazing that so many are, and Christ will be eternally wondered at in them.” That so many are is entirely due to the power of God, with whom all things are possible. Faith is both brought about and sustained by that power.
Matthew 20
v1-16: God saves some when they are young, He saves others in middle age, while still others are saved when they are old. There is hope for everyone who turns to God, and there is no wrong time for us to do this.
v17-19: “Jesus spoke so frequently about his sufferings because through them he was to enter into his glory. It is good for us to think and speak often of our death and of the sufferings that we will probably meet with between this time and the grave; if we make them more familiar, they will become less formidable."
v20-28: Jesus laid down His life as a ransom for us. Whilst He lived as a servant and went around doing good, it was His death that did the greatest good of all. He was made sin and a curse for us to rescue us. By humbling Himself and serving us, He has set an example for us to follow. We are to humble ourselves and serve one another so that all may be built up in their faith.
v29-34: Our prayers are to be marked by boldness, humility, faith, and perseverance. Remember that when we are praying, we are going to God through Christ, who came to save and to help.