Mark 2:13-28
v13-17: “Great sin and scandal before conversion are no barrier to great gifts, graces, and advancements after conversion.” God’s mercy is sufficient to forgive the greatest sins, and God’s grace is able to sanctify the greatest sinners.
v18-22: A danger we face is making our own practices or applications of a biblical principle the standard, and then criticising and condemning anyone who do not live up to it.
v23-28: The Sabbath was instituted for our benefit. We need a day for our bodies to be able to rest and for our souls to be refreshed by fellowship with God, and to praise and thank Him for His greatness and goodness and grace.
Mark 3:1-6
v1-6: Jesus looked with anger and was grieved by the hardness of the Pharisees hearts. Anger because “the sin of sinners is very displeasing to Jesus Christ” and grief ”because he does not want anyone to perish."