Mark 14:53-72
v53-65: "If Saul’s tearing Samuel’s robe stood for the tearing of the kingdom away from him, then much more did Caiaphas’s tearing his own clothes mean the tearing of the priesthood from him, as the tearing of the curtain at Christ’s death meant the throwing open of everything. Christ’s clothes, even when he was crucified, were kept whole, and were not torn, because when the Levitical priesthood was torn to pieces and done away with, this Man, because he continues ever, has an unchangeable priesthood."
v66-72: It can be dangerous for Christ’s followers to be in the company of His enemies, “because there they may be drawn to sin against him."
Mark 15:1-15
v1-15: Pilate handed Christ over to be crucified. He was crucified because this would be a bloody death because without the shedding of blood there will be no forgiveness of sins; a painful death so that he would feel himself die to make his soul an offering for sin; a shameful death reserved for the worst evildoers; and a cursed death to take God’s curse for us.