Mark 13

v1-4: It is natural for us to want to know about the future events, and especially their timing.  We must not let our curiosity about things future stop us from doing our duty in the present.

v5-13: "It is encouraging to those who suffer for the gospel that although they may be crushed and oppressed, the gospel cannot be; it will stand its ground and win the day.” Often it is the case, that rather than obstructing the progress of the gospel, the suffering actually forwards it.

v14-23: Be on your guard because there will be deceivers, false teachers, who will try to seduce you away from Christ.

v24-37: “We are to distinguish between those excellencies and perfections of Christ’s that resulted from the person union of the divine and human nature, and those that flowed from the anointing of the Spirit; from the former flowed the infinite position of his perfect freedom from all sin, but from the latter flowed his power of performing miracles and his foreknowledge of things to come.”  What the church knows is what has been revealed by the Spirit to Christ, and the day and the hour is not included in this, which we means we need to be on our guard. “He has very wisely kept us in uncertainty, so that we all will always be ready” to meet Him.