Mark 10:17-52
v17-31: It is good when people ask about what that they need to do to get to heaven. It is good when they ask the right person to answer it, the One who Himself is the way to eternal life and who came to make known the way to eternal life. The question that confronts us is the same one that confront the rich young man - do we really believe that heaven is enough to "make up for all we might leave, lose, or lay out for Christ?"
v32-34: "Christ’s courage and faithfulness in going on with his work for our salvation is and will remain the wonder of all his disciples."
v35-45: We can’t expect to share in the glory of Christ without experiencing hardship and danger along the way. We walk the path that He had already trod. “The one who wants to be truly great and important must spend his life in doing good to all."
v46-52: Christ invites us to come to Him "to be forgiven, supplied, helped, filled, and clothed," to have done all that we need. But it is not enough to come to Christ for spiritual healing. "When we are healed, we must also continue to follow Him, so that we may honour Him and receive instruction from him."