Luke 9
v1-9: During His ministry, Christ could only teach in one place at a time, so sent out His twelve disciples to teach others in different places, "passing on to them what they had received from the Lord." This is how the gospel continues to spread today, with followers of Jesus being sent out to teach others in different places.
v10-17: Christ "not only heals those who need healing, curing the diseases of the soul, but also feeds those who need feeding." He saves our souls from perishing and nourishes our souls to eternal life.
v18-27: Jesus "wanted his disciples made aware, by the mistakes of others about him, how fortunate they were as those who had been led into the knowledge of him and the truth about him." As we see the ignorance and errors of others, we should be thankful that He has made Himself known to us, but we should do whatever we can to tell others the truth about Him, so that they can know Him too.
v28-36: We are in Christ who is God's beloved Son. This means that when God looks at us, He sees us as His beloved sons and daughters.
v37-42: "How terrible is the suffering in this world! What trouble Satan causes where he gains possession! But happy are those who have access to Christ!"
v43-50: It is easy for God's people to become entangled by the sins of "ambition for honour and striving for superiority and precedence." These are sins that those who love Jesus should be keen to put to death.
v51-56: The Lord Jesus was ready and resolute "in pursuing his great undertaking for our redemption and salvation." He headed toward Jerusalem where He would suffer and die. "He was fully determined to go and would not be dissuaded from going... He went there cheerfully and courageously, even though he knew the things that would happen to him there."
v57-62: We can be kept from following Christ by the temptation "to stay in an easy and comfortable form of discipleship, in which we may remain loosely attached to Christianity but do not commit ourselves to being true and faithful... to put off to a later date what we know to be our duty... to think that our duty to our relatives will give us an excuse for not fulfilling our duty to Christ."