Luke 8
v1-3: Those who follow Jesus should stay close to Him, so that they "may be ready to turn to him for help when [they] relapse," and those who follow Jesus "are bound by gratitude to serve him and his gospel, because he is the One who has saved [them] by his gospel."
v4-18: The Devil will do all that he can to stop us believing because we cannot be saved unless we believe. How does he do this? He "make us not believe the word when we read and hear it, or, if we pay attention to it for the present, to make us forget it later, so that we drift away, or, if we remember it, to create prejudice in our hearts against it or to distract us from it so that we think about something else."
v19-21: Christ is pleased to acknowledge those who hear the word of God and do it.
v22-25: "Just as it is Satan’s business to raise storms, it is Christ’s business is to still them. He can do it; he has done it; he delights to do it, because he came to proclaim peace on earth."
v26-39: Isn't it encouraging to know that the Devil and all the forces of evil are under the control of the Lord Jesus?
v40-56: Jairus' daughter was raised from the dead, and one proof was her appetite, "for Christ told them to give her something to eat." If we have been spiritually raised from the dead, it will be seen by our appetite, for spiritual food, the Word of God.