Luke 5
v1-11: God wants us to be faithful in obeying His commands and to be those who depend upon His goodness, leaving the outcome with Him. This does not guarantee worldly success, nor does it mean there won't be frustrations as we do our duties. When we meet disappointments, "we are welcome to come to Christ and lay out our situation before him, and he will take notice of it."
v12-16: When we recognise that we are full of spiritual leprosy, what are we to do? "We must seek Jesus... humble ourselves in his presence... fervently seek to be cleansed from the defilement of sin and healed of the disease of sin... firmly believe in Christ's ability and sufficiency to cleanse us... be bold in prayer for forgiving mercy and renewing grace... turn to the goodwill of Christ."
v17-26: The Pharisees and Teacher of the Law were not sitting at his feet to learn from Jesus. "They sat by as spectators, critics, and spies, to pick up something on which to base some objection, rebuke, or accusation." When we hear God's Word preached, do we sit under it or do we sit back to find fault with it?
v27-35: "No heart is too hard for the Spirit and grace of Christ to work on, nor are any difficulties in the way of a sinner’s conversion too great to be conquered by his power."