Luke 3
v1-20: "Repentance was what they professed, and they were eager to be sincere in their professions; to sin no more was what they promised." Those who repent "change their mind and change their ways, to cast away from all their transgressions and to get new hearts and to live new lives." Our "change of mind must be shown by the change of our ways" and this include "particular expressions of reformation" according to our place and condition. The Gospel should make us "devout and godly, holy and heavenly, humble and meek, sober and pure, righteous and honourable, loving and kind, and good in every relationship."
v21-22: As Christ was being baptised, He prayed. This was not a confession of sin because He had no sin to confess. He prayed because He wanted to maintain his fellowship with his Father. "We have reason to think that Christ now prayed for the revelation of God's favour to him that followed immediately... Prayer is an ordinance that opens heaven."
v23-38: Christ was about 30 years of age when He began His ministry. "At this age the priests were to came into the full responsibility of their office." It was right that at this age Christ began His priestly ministry.
Luke 4
v1-13: The Devil tempted Adam and Eve with a fruit that was good for food and delightful to look at. They gave into this temptation. Satan tried this tactic with Jesus, "to turn the stones into bread here, which would be good as food, and then showed him the kingdoms of the world and their splendour, which were pleasant to the eyes." Christ did not give in and defeated Satan in both these temptations.
v14-30: "The books of the Old Testament were, in a way, shut up until Christ opened them." Jesus opened up not only the books of the Old Testament but also our understanding of them as being all about Him.
v31-44: Satan will seek to harm those he cannot destroy. The great encouragement is that Satan cannot harm them further than Christ permits.