Luke 2
v1-7: Christ was born where the animals were kept at an inn. "Christ was born in an inn to show that he came into the world only to stay here for a while, as in an inn, and to teach us to do the same. An inn receives all guests, and so does Christ... whoever comes to him he will in no way drive out." He was born where the animals were kept showing the humiliation of our Lord Jesus from birth. "Since his own received him not, let us not think it strange if they do not receive us."
v8-20: We have good news of great joy because this good news brings joy to all people, not just to the Jews. It is good news that a Saviour, a Saviour long expected has arrived. "Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah, the Anointed One; he is the Lord, Lord of all; he is a sovereign Ruler; in fact, he is God." Here is a Saviour, but He is only a Saviour to those who accept Him as Lord.
v21-24: Christ fulfils all righteousness. This is why He submitted to the law and was circumcised. He submitted to it so that by the circumcision of Christ we can be circumcised with a spiritual circumcision.
v25-40: "Those, and only those, who have seen Christ by faith can look death in the face with courage and without terror."
v41-52: Like Mary and Joseph, those who want to find Jesus, must seek until they find Him, because He will eventually be found by those who seek him. "Those who have lost their assurance in Christ and the evidence of their relationship with him must come to themselves, ask themselves where, when, and how they lost them, and turn back again to the place where they last had them."