Luke 19
v1-10: Christ came from heaven to earth to seek what was lost. He came into this lost world to seek and save it. "He seeks those who were not worth seeking; he seeks those who did not seek him, or ask for him." Even though it is hard for rich people to enter the kingdom of God, if Christ is seeking after one who is rich, they will be found and saved, like Zacchaeus was.
v11-27: All Christians have been given a great work to do now. They have been given the power and the abilities to make disciples - to catch fish in the gospel net or persuade guests to come to the wedding feast - and Christ expects those he gives power to, to serve Him in this way. We must continue to do this work till our Master comes, "whatever difficulties or oppositions we may face in it."
v28-40: When we are tempted to draw back from serving Christ in anyway, consider how eager and willing Jesus Christ was to suffer and die for us. "He went forward, bound in the spirit, to Jerusalem; he knew very well the things that would happen to him there, and yet he went before, ascending up to Jerusalem. He led the way, as if he longed to be on the spot, longed to engage, to take to the field, and to see action."
v41-48: Our Lord Jesus looks on the "sin and foolishness of those who persist in showing contempt for [the gospel]" with great grief. His eyes weep over lost souls heading for destruction and so should ours. Our desire, like His, should be that they turn and live, because we don't want anyone to perish.