Luke 15
v1-7: God's concern for lost sheep, "for poor wandering sinners," is such that He sent His own Son, the great and good shepherd, who will find what He seeks. Even though He has a considerable flock, God will not lose one of His sheep and goes after the one who is lost to the rest of the flock and to themselves.
v8-10: God has a variety of bringing lost souls home to Himself, as seen by the woman who lights a candle to look behind the door, under the table, in every nook and cranny in the house, and who sweeps the house and seeks diligently till she finds the lost coin. God "has lighted the candle of the Gospel not to show himself the way to us but to show us the way to him, to reveal ourselves to us. He has swept the house by the convictions of the word. He seeks diligently; his heart is set on bringing lost souls back to himself."
v11-32: "The conversion of sinners is greatly pleasing to the God of heaven, and all who belong to his family should rejoice in it; those in heaven do, and those on earth should. It was the father who began the joy and set all the others rejoicing. We should be glad at the repentance of sinners, because it fulfils God’s purpose; it is the bringing to Christ of those whom the Father had given him and in whom he will be forever glorified."