Luke 13
v1-5: The sufferings in this world are loud calls to us from God to repent. "The same Jesus who calls us to repent because the kingdom of heaven is at hand tells us to repent because otherwise we will perish."
v6-9: God sees what people do with the gospel. It is sad that so many people are given the opportunity to repent and believe in Jesus, but do not. The Jewish people and nation were offered pardon in Christ's name if they repented, but they did nothing with this privilege.
v10-17: "In his gospel, Christ calls and invites those who are burdened by spiritual infirmities to come to him for healing, and if he calls us, he will undoubtedly help us when we come to him."
v18-22: One reason why people do not respond to the gospel is because it is seemingly small and insignificant. Christ reminds us*"that although its beginning was small, its latter end would greatly increase, so that many people would come"* into His kingdom.
v23-30: "Many people are more inquisitive about who will be saved and who will not than about what they need to do to be saved themselves." It is good that we can be saved without knowing whether such and such a person can be saved, and it is vital that we strive to be through faith in Jesus who is the narrow door.
v31-35: Jesus is willing to receive anyone who comes to Him for protection. "The reason why sinners are not protected and provided for by the Lord Jesus... is that they do not want to be."
Luke 14
v1-6: See the kindness of God that like He did for Christ on the Sabbath, He gives us time for physical refreshment. Let us be careful that we do "not abuse that liberty or to be lax in how we spend it".
v7-14: The works of love for those in need which we do in this life may not "be rewarded in this world" but "they will be rewarded at the resurrection."
v15-24: Christ's house will be full. This will take place when all who God has chosen and who He has given to His Son, are brought to Him.
v25-35: "Satan shows the best but hides the worst, because his best will not balance out his worst, but the best Christ has to offer will far outweigh the worst we can suffer for him." We need to count the cost of following Him. We must consider what it will cost us to trust in Jesus in terms of both duties expected of us and dangers and difficulties that are to be faced.