Luke 12
v1-12: We must be on guard against the sin of hypocrisy. Jesus calls this sin, the leaven of the Pharisees. Most of the Pharisees fell into this sin, concealing their true attitude towards God with a show of godliness. "Be careful not to imitate them... because sooner or later the truth will come out." It may be revealed in this life, but will definitely be when Jesus returns and the secrets of all hearts are made known. "The day is coming when hypocrites will be stripped of their fig leaves."
v13-21: "Greed is a sin that we need constantly to be on our guard against and therefore need to be frequently warned against."
v22-40: Seek the kingdom of God, "seek admission to it, seek advancement in it" and trust God with everything else. If our concern is for spiritual matters, our thoughts will begin to be diverted from excessive worry about the things of this world.
v41-53: The aim of the gospel is to unite people to one another, and if everyone were to receive the gospel, this is what would happen. They would be knit together in holy live. However, because instead of receiving the gospel, they reject and oppose it, "the effect of the preaching of the gospel will be division." This division will be even reach into families, "when one becomes a Christian and the other does not, because the one who does become a Christian will zealously try to persuade the other by arguments and endearments to turn to Christ."
v54-59: There is nothing more important than to get right with God and make peace with Him before it is too late. "Let us be diligent to make sure we are delivered out of the hands of God the Adversary into the hands of God the Father," by repentance and faith in Christ our Mediator, now, while it can be done.