Luke 1:39-80
v39-56: "Believing souls are blessed souls, and in the end they will be found to be so." Those who believe in God's Word about Jesus will receive the blessings of being related to Him and having Christ formed in them.
v57-66: When Zechariah's mouth was opened, he praised God. "When God opens our lips, our mouths must declare His praise."
v67-80: Salvation is found in Christ, and only in Him. It is "a salvation from sin and the power of Satan has over us both by internal corruption and by outside temptations." But it is also a salvation that frees us to serve God without fear, in holiness and righteousness, for all the days of our lives. "You must know that this salvation consists in two things: 1) The forgiveness of what we have done wrong. It is salvation by the remission of sins, those sins that stand in the way of salvation and by which we have all become liable to ruin and condemnation. 2) Direction to do better in the future. The Gospel salvation not only encourages us to hope that the works of darkness will be forgiven us; it also sets up a clear and true light by which we may walk in the right way."