Judges 4
v1-3: There is a bias within us to backslide because of the sinful nature that remains. We find ourselves rushing "headlong into sin" even though we know it will hurt and harm us.
v4-9: Together Deborah and Barak "made a complete rescuer, and the rescue they carried out was complete." Barak "could do nothing without her mind, and she could do nothing without his hands." Even the best leaders in the church today are not self-sufficient, and need to be "willing to acknowledge that they need" the help of others. This shows the wisdom of Christ’s instructions that local churches are to be led by a plurality of elders.
v10-16: To have the assurance "that God goes before us" when we follow "his duty and direction," gives us hope and enable us to proceed "with courage and cheerfulness." Even when we meet difficulties "in resisting Satan, in serving God or suffering for him," to know that God goes before us, gives "every encouragement to follow him fully."
v17-24: It "would have prevented a great deal of trouble," if the Israelites "had destroyed these Canaanites sooner, as God had both commanded and enabled them." It is wise not to delay in obeying God's Word.