Jude 14-16
v14: “It is certain that there was such an ancient prophecy [of Enoch], one that was of long standing and was universally received in the Old Testament church, and the affirmation that there was one is part of our New Testament.” From the earliest age, it was prophesied that Christ would come in judgment. This will be a glorious day and one we must be prepared for.
v15: Notice “how often and how emphatically the word ungodly is repeated in” this verse, “no fewer than four times: ungodly people, ungodly sinners , ungodly deeds, and, as to how they are committed, ungodly committed.” Ungodliness is not taken seriously by most people today, but it will be by Christ when He returns.
v16: One final characteristic of these deceivers which Jude wants us to be aware of, is that “they are murmurers” and “complainers.” They “complain against God and his providence, against people and their conduct,” and “they get angry at everything that happens and never pleased with their own condition in the world.” Their only rule for life is “their will, appetite, and imagination.”