Jude 12-13
v12: When those who profess faith and join a local church “lead lives and have hearts that are inconsistent with and even contrary to [their profession],” it harms the gospel witness of the church. “How common are such blemishes in all Christian communities here on earth, including the very best ones!”
v13: “Raging waves are a terror to passengers in ships, but when they have reached the harbour, the waves are forgotten as if they no longer existed,” with “their noise and terror… ended forever.” False teachers are like these waves, “wild, boisterous, and noisy, full of talk and turbulence… creating much uneasiness to people,” but a day is coming when they will harm God’s people no more. “Not everyone who mistakenly teaches something that is not exactly true,” is a false teacher, otherwise would anyone “dare to open a Bible to teach others unless they thought themselves equal or superior to the angels of God in heaven?” These false teachers are those “who are truly, not slanderously, so called, who corrupt the word of God and betray the souls of men.”