Joshua 2

v1-7: Rehab is called a prostitute, "a woman who was or had formerly been" one. This "stayed with her" and "she is known in this way in the New Testament." This teaches us "that great sin is no restriction on receiving mercy and forgiveness if it is truly repented of" and yet in some instances the consequence of bearing the disgrace of that sins remains, even after it has been repented of.

v8-21: Those who believe God's Word that destruction is coming to sinners "will diligently flee the wrath to come," and "lay hold of eternal life by joining themselves to God and to his people." They will also do all they can "for the salvation of the souls of those who are dear to [them]," by telling them how they can be saved.

v22-24: We can be certain that God will give us the land He has promised to us.