Joshua 11
v1-14: Joshua's obedience to the Lord's command showed "submission to the divine will," self-denial as he submitted "his own thoughts and inclinations to God's commands," confidence in the power of God by rejecting what others trusted in, and his concern that the people of Israel had this "same confidence in God, by taking away from them what they would be tempted to trust too much in."
v15-23: "Giants are as tiny as grasshoppers before almighty God, but this struggle with the Anakites was kept back to the later stages of the war, when the Israelites had become more expert in the art of warfare and had had more experience of the power and goodness of God." God "holds back the most severe trials of affliction and temptation" until His people are ready to go through them.
Joshua 12
v1-6: "Fresh blessings must not drown out the memory of former blessings, nor must the glory of the present instruments of good to the church be allowed to lessen and eclipse the honour of those who have gone before them and who brought fruit and blessing in their day." What was accomplished under Moses was not to be overlooked and forgotten due to the achievements of Joshua. "God was the author of both, and together they declare him the Alpha and Omega of Israel's great salvation."
v7-24: God had kept His promise and "been true to his word." He gave Israel possession of the land He had promised to them.