"Of these books, the Jewish writers call those from Joshua to the end of the book of the Kings "the first book of the prophets," in order to include them in one of the three groups of books they recognise in the Old Testament: the Law; the Prophets; and the Writings." Joshua "contains the history of Israel under the command and leadership of Joshua," describing "their entrance into Canaan"; "their conquest of Canaan"; "the distribution of the land of Canaan among the tribes of Israel"; and "the settlement and establishment of religion among them."
Joshua 1
v1-9: "It is not enough to hear and read the word, to commend and admire it, to know and remember it, to talk about and discuss it." We must carefully observe everything written God's Word. This will require courage because "so many discouragements come into our lives" that would tempt us to turn from it.
v10-15: "When God has given us rest," it is not a time for us to "settle down lazily to lead an easy life," because there will be brothers and sisters in the church "who are unsettled or not as well settled" as we are, who we are called to strengthen and encourage.
v16-18: "The best thing we can ask of God for those in authority is that they may have the presence of God with them," for "this will make them a blessing to us."