John 8
v12-20: Following lights that are false leads to destruction. Christ, however, is the true light, and following Him, submitting to His guidance, taking direction from Him in everything leads to happiness. Looking or gazing on Christ is not enough, "because it is a light to our feet, not only to our eyes," which means we must "follow it, believe in it, and walk in it." If we follow Christ, we will be happy now because He is "the light of spiritual life in this world," and in the future because He is "the light of eternal life" in heaven.
v21-30: "Those who live in unbelief are ruined forever if they die in their unbelief." Without faith there is no salvation from "the power of sin while we live," nor is there salvation from "the punishment of sin when we die, because the wrath of God remains on those who do not believe." Unbelief is a serious sin because "it is a sin against the answer God has provided."
v31-37: Privileges that true disciples of Christ have is that they know the truth and the truth makes them free. Christ will make sure that each of His students know all the truth they need to know at the moment they need to know it. Wonderfully the truth Christ teaches "makes us free from the guilt of sin... sets us free from being slaves to corruption... from our spiritual enemies, free to serve God, free to enjoy the privileges of sons, and free for the Jerusalem that is from above."
v38-47: Only those who love Christ can call God their Father. "All who have God as their Father have a true love for Jesus Christ, a respect for his person, a pleasing sense of his love, a sincere love for his cause and kingdom, a delight in the salvation brought by him and in its method and terms, and a concern to keep his commandments, which is the most sure evidence of our love for him." How we answer the question, "Do we love Christ?" will prove whether or not we have been adopted as children of God.
v48-50: Christ had no desire for worldly honour. He did not aim at His own glory. He did not seek human praise or advancement in the world. He came to honour His Father.
v51-59: Abraham had "some sight... of Christ's day in this world... There is room to think that Abraham had some vision of Christ and his day for his own private assurance, though it was not, nor could it be, recorded in the account of his life." Yet He longed to know more about this promised Messiah. "Who? What? Where? When? How?" Today, "those who use and apply what they have, who make the most of it, who desire and pray to know Christ more, God will give more knowledge."