John 6
v1-14: The bread was "distributed from the hands of Christ by the hands of his disciples." This reminds us that "all our benefits come to us from the hand of Christ originally."
v15-21: When God's people find themselves in the middle of a storm; when they face danger and suffering in the present; when they experience trouble and cannot see a way out, they can be certain that Christ is praying for them. Times of distress does not mean that He doesn't care for us, and are often experienced after we have "enjoyed a feast at Christ table" and "the sunshine of comfort" He gives.
v22-27: "The things of the world are food that spoils. Worldly wealth, honour, and pleasure are food." Food which "feed the imagination" and which "fill the stomach." But those who hunger for these as food, will in the end perish. But the food Jesus gives endures to everlasting life. It prepares us for eternal life, preserves us for it, and is the pledge and promise of it.
v28-46: Christ has been given "a certain number of people by the Father... to be his responsibility." He will teach them, heal them, pay their debt, plead their cause, prepare and preserve them to eternal life. These people "God chose to be the objects of his special love." Christ will ensure that "he will lose none, no person, but also that he will lose nothing, no part of the person, and so not the body." His work will not be finished until the final resurrection, "when the souls and bodies of the saints will be reunited and gathered to Christ, so that he may present them to the Father."
v47-59: To eat His flesh and drink His blood means "neither more nor less than believing in Christ. As we share in food and drink by eating and drinking, so we share in Christ and his benefits by faith." Those who spiritually eat and drink have "an appetite for Christ" which begins with hungering and thirsting after Him. They "accept Christ in such a way that he belongs" to them as their Lord and God. They delight in Him and His salvation, and they depend on Him for life, strength and growth. "To feed upon Christ is to do everything in his name, in union with him, and by power drawn from him. It is to live on him as we do on our food. We cannot describe how our bodies are nourished by our food, but we know and find that they are; so it is with this spiritual nourishment. "
v60-71: Christ knows those who rejoice in His message and those who reject it; "those who are reconciled to it and submit to it and those who quarrel with it and rebel against it, even if they do so secretly." We should be careful, not only about what we say and do but also about what we think. "Thoughts are words to Christ."