John 3
v1-8: To be born again is "to begin a new life" with a new nature, a new driving force in our lives, with fresh affections and fresh aims. It is to be born from above because this new birth "has its origin from heaven and leads to heaven." It is to be born of the Spirit as this "change is not brought about by any wisdom or power of our own, but by the power and influence" of the Holy Spirit. Unless we have been born again we cannot see the kingdom of God.
v9-15: Christ is the only one who can "reveal to us the will of God for our salvation." Why? "Because he is the One who came down from heaven and is in heaven." This makes him able, fit and qualified in every way.
v16: "In order to accomplish human redemption and salvation, it pleased God to give his only begotten Son. He not only sent him into the world with full and ample power to negotiate peace between heaven and earth; he also gave him, that is, gave him up to suffer and die for us as the great atoning sacrifice." Our duty is to believe in Jesus whom God has given for us and to us. This will bring the benefits of being saved from the miseries of hell and entitlement to the joys of heaven.
v17-18: The intention of God in sending His Son was that through Him the world might be saved. "He came into the world with salvation in his mind, with salvation in his hand." Jesus has opened up the way of salvation, "so that whoever wanted to could enter through it."
v19-21: "God sent One to save us who was dearest to himself, and will he not be dearest to us? Will we not believe on the name of the One who has a name above every name?" The reason so many don't is they love the darkness rather than the light because their deeds are evil. Jesus the light shows up their sinfulness and destroys "the good opinion they had of themselves."
v22-30: Even though Christ had taken up John's work of preaching and baptising, he continued doing these things. Christ's labours did not render John's unnecessary or useless. "We are mistaken if we think that the excelling gifts and graces and the works and usefulness of one person lessen and belittle those of another who has obtained mercy to be faithful, because the Spirit is a free agent, dispensing to every one severally as he will." We should not envy those who are more gifted or who have a larger sphere of usefulness, nor should we be discontented if our gifts and usefulness is inferior to others.
v31-36: "An unbeliever is one who does not believe the teaching of Christ and does not submit to the rule of Christ." They are guilty of both disbelief and disobedience.
Wherever this Aenon was, it seems that John moved from place to place; he did not think that there was any power in the Jordan itself that should make him stay there, just because Jesus was baptized there, but moved to other waters as he saw the need. Ministers must follow the opportunities they see.
All the hard work of ministers is lost unless the grace of God makes it effective.
Faithful ministers are friends of the bridegroom, who are to commend him to the love and choice of the people, bringing letters and messages from him, because he courts his beloved by proxy, and they must be faithful to him in this task.
The friends of the bridegroom must stand and hear the bridegroom’s voice ; they must receive instruction from him and listen to his orders; they must want to have proofs that Christ is speaking through them and with them (2Co 13:3); that is the bridegroom’s voice.
Henry, Matthew. The New Matthew Henry Commentary: Complete and Unabridged (Kindle Locations 232115-232117). Zondervan. Kindle Edition.