John 18
v1-12: Jesus was bound and this was significant. "Isaac was bound so that he could be sacrificed; Joseph was bound... so that he might be brought from prison to reign. Samson was bound so that he could kill more Philistines at his death than he had done in his life," and Christ was bound when He was made sin, so that He could free us from being bound to God's judgment because of our guilt and to the power of Satan because of our corruption.
v13-27: Bad company is dangerous. Peter associated himself with evildoers and kept company with them so that "he would not be suspected of being a disciple of Christ." This was foolish because he put himself in a place of temptation and this led to him growing "cold toward good people and good things." We "commonly seek to approve ourselves to those whom we choose to associate with; we pride ourselves on their good word and seek to stand in their good opinion," therefore, we should be careful about associating closely "with those whom we cannot please without displeasing God."
v28-40: The kingdom of Christ is not of this world. Its origin is not from this world. It is a kingdom within human beings, "set up in their hearts and consciences." It did not advance by worldly force. Its subjects, though in the world, are not of the world, "they are called and chosen out of the world, are born from and bound for another world."