John 16

v1-6: "The Devil's work has often been done by people wearing God's uniform."  Hostility can come by those "with a veneer of duty to God and service to his church."

v7-15: The Spirit takes away and silences the objections of the world against the gospel, and then "effectively and savingly convict many people in the world, some in every age, in every place, in order to bring about their conversion to the faith of Christ." The Spirit convicts people "of the fact of sin, that we have done such and such; of the fault of sin, that we have done wrong in that action; of the foolishness of sin, that we have acted against right reason and our true interests; of the filth of sin, that by it we have become repugnant to God; of the fountain of sin, the corrupt nature; and of the fruit of sin, that its end is death."  The Spirit convicts people "that Jesus of Nazareth was Christ the Righteous One" and how by believing they can be accepted as righteous in God's sight.

v16-22: When the disciples were unsure about what Christ's words meant, they discussed them with each other.  "Mutual conversation about divine things provides light from others so that we can improve our own understanding" even if we cannot fully solve every difficulty we find in Scripture.

v23-27: When we pray we ask the Father in the name of Christ.  "We must look to God as a Father and come to him as children; we must look to Christ as Mediator, to be helped by him."  We approach the Father with the belief and confidence that He is ready and able to help us.  We ask in Jesus' name because we know we are unworthy of any favour from God, yet that it is now possible because of what Christ has done, so we come in complete dependence upon Him who has made us righteous in God's sight.

v28-33: Whatever troubles we might encounter in this world, we can have peace because of Christ's victory over the world. "Through him we have peace with God, and so in him we have peace in our own minds."


Though one generation of ministers and Christians departs, another is raised up in their place, for Christ will maintain his own cause.

Henry, Matthew. The New Matthew Henry Commentary: Complete and Unabridged (Kindle Location 243530). Zondervan. Kindle Edition.