Hebrews 5:1-10

v1: We all need a high priest because “God will not allow sinful people to come to him directly.” This high priest, to represent people, “must be a man, one of us, flesh of our flesh and spirit of our spirits, sharing in our nature.”

v2-3: To be a high priest, the man appointed must be able to deal gently with two kinds of people. “He must be willing to instruct” those who are ignorant and “slow in understanding,” and he must be willing to lead back from “error, sin, and misery” those who have gone astray and “onto the right path.”

v4-6: Only those who are called by God can serve as the high priest, because “to be employed to stand between God and humanity, at one time representing God and his will to people, and then at another time representing humanity and human situations to God, and dealing between them about matters of the highest importance” is a great honour. Those who have not been called by God cannot “expect help from God and acceptance with him, and his presence and blessing on them and their service.” Christ was appointed to be high priest by God the Father.

v7: Not only are we to pray, we are also “to be bold and fervent in prayer.” Christ’s example challenges us. “How many dry prayers, and how few wet ones, do we offer to God!”

v8-10: By Christ’s death on the cross, He has saved us “from sin and misery” and achieved for us “holiness and happiness.” This salvation, He has announced to us in the gospel, and He “has sent his Spirit to enable [us] to accept this salvation.” If we have accepted this salvation, we will listen to Christ’s word and obey Him, because He will only be a Saviour to those “who are willing to have him reign over them.”