Hebrews 10:1-18
v1-4: The Old Testament sacrifices could not take away sins once and for all, which is why they needed to keep on being repeated, year after year. It was impossible for them to do so, because they “were not of the same nature as we who sinned are.” But with Christ, atonement is now complete, “not to be repeated, and sinners, once pardoned, are always in a pardoned state, and need only to renew their repentance and faith in order to have an assured sense of continued pardon.”
v5-10: Christ came to do the will of God. “Not only to reveal the will of God as a prophet, not only to make known divine laws as a king, but also to satisfy the demands of justice and to fulfil all righteousness as a priest.” By doing so, Christ has taken away the first priesthood and established the second, “his own priesthood, and the eternal gospel.”
v11-14: Those who come to Christ “have been saved and will be completely saved, for all the guilt, power, and punishment of sin,” and are in “the sure possession of perfect holiness” and future happiness.
v15-18: Two wonderful promises contained in the new covenant are that we have been given the “wisdom, will, and power to obey his word” because He has put His laws in our heart and written them on our minds, and that our sins will not be held against us, “either to shame [us] now or to condemn [us] in the future.”