Genesis 24

v1-9: Remembering how God has been faithful to us in the past, gives us confidence to trust Him for the future.

v10-28: Though we are assured that when we pray according to His will, God will hear and answer our prayers, "God, in his providence, sometimes wonderfully acknowledges the prayer of faith and fulfils the simple desires of his praying people, even in little things, that he may show the extent of his care, and may encourage them at all times to seek him and trust in him."

v29-53: The servant "had prayed for success, and now that he had received success, he gives thanks." When we see answers to our prayers, let us not forget to thank and praise the One who answered them. "Those that pray without ceasing should in every thing give thanks and acknowledge God in every step of mercy."

v54-67: God has promised Abraham that he would have both "a numerous" and "a victorious offspring." This promise would be kept through his son Isaac. The prayer for Rebekah to be a mother, was a prayer that God would keep this promise. May this example encourage us to take the promises which God has made, and pray specifically that they would be kept.

Genesis 25

v1-18: "Death gathers us to our people." If we are part of the people of God by faith in Christ, our souls will be gathered "to the congregation of the blessed" in heaven.

v19-21: God's promises should not discourage us from praying, but spur us on, until they are all kept, "for we ought always to pray, and not give up, to pray without ceasing, and knock till the door is opened."

v22-28: "This struggle between Jacob and Esau in the womb" pictures the struggle "in the hearts of believers," where there is "a conflict between the flesh and spirit." Throughout our lives following Christ, we will experience "a mighty struggle, but this ought not to discourage us," for "it is better to have a conflict with sin than tamely to submit to it."

v29-34: It is foolish of us "to part with our privileges with God, Christ, and heaven, for the riches, honours, and pleasures of this world."