Galatians 6:1-5
v1: There are times when we deliberately fall into sin by being fully determined to do that which is wrong. There are also time we sin "because of an unexpected temptation." In a situation like this, we will want others to treat us with gentleness and "by faithful rebuke and relevant and timely counsel," be brought to repentance. Therefore, we should treat those who are caught in a sin in this way, "convincing them of their sin and error, persuading them to return to their duty, comforting them with a sense of forgiving mercy, and, having restored them, confirming our love to them."
v2-3: Love for one another requires that when we observe in them "those weaknesses, follies, and infirmities that too often beset us," we show "mutual patience, forgiveness, sympathy, and compassion toward each other" and are "ready to give each other the encouragement and advice, the help and assistance, that the circumstances may require."
v4-5: "A day is coming when we must all give an account of ourselves to God" and we will be judged according to what our behaviour has been like. This judgment will not be based on whether we are "better or worse than others, but according to what our state and behaviour have been in the sight of God." This is why it is important that we examine ourselves by the Word of God to see whether or not we are consistent with it.