Galatians 5:22-26

v22-23: We are not only to die to sin but also to live to righteousness, which means not only opposing the works of the flesh but also producing the fruit of the Spirit.  Our lives should be marked by love, "for God, and for one another"; joy, "a constant delight in God";  peace,"with God.. and attitude and behaviour toward others"; patience, "enabling us to hold off anger and... to bear wrongs"; kindness, "sympathetic, pleasant, and courteous"; goodness, "readiness to do good to everyone as we have opportunity"; faithfulness, "in what we profess and promise to others"; gentleness, "by which we humbly control our passions"; and self-control, "not being excessive and immoderate.".

v24-25: Displaying the fruit of the Spirit in our lives shows that we belong to Christ and are keeping in step with the Spirit.

v26: Watch out for pride and envy as this is "inconsistent with the love that Christians should have for each other" and will lead to quarrels and conflicts with other believers.