Galatians 5:1-6
v1: Christ has set us free "from the burden of the ceremonial law and from the curse of the moral law." No longer are we obliged to keep "the external laws and ceremonies that were imposed on the Jews," and no longer does the moral law curse us because we cannot do everything written in it.
v2-4: It is impossible for us to justify ourselves because that would require us to keep the whole law and this is something we are incapable of doing. To seek to justify ourselves before God in any way is to miss out on all the benefits and blessings which Christ offers to all who trust in Him, because He "will not be the Saviour of anyone who will not confess him and depend on him as their only Saviour."
v5-6: Acceptance with God comes only through faith in Christ, and faith in Christ that is "true and genuine" will be revealed "by a sincere love for God and our neighbour." Faith expresses itself by "love for God and love for our brothers and sisters."