Galatians 3:1-9

v1-5: The Galatians had begun well by putting their faith in Christ.  But they were no longer trusting in Him alone for their justification.  They thought that they could make themselves more righteous before God by obeying His commands.  Paul warns them that "while they seek to be justified in this way, they are, far from being more perfect Christians, more in danger of becoming no Christians at all." This reminds us  that our good works and obedience which God requires of us, do not contribute in anyway to our salvation. They cannot make us more righteous in God's sight than we already are if our faith in Christ, and it is foolish to think that they will.

v6-9: Abraham was justified by faith alone and so are we.  "His faith had as its object the word and promise of God" about Christ, "and because he trusted God, he was acknowledged and accepted by God as righteous."  This blessing of justification received by Abraham, comes to all who have faith in Christ, whether Jew or Gentile.