Exodus 17
v1-7: We can trust God to provide for us as we journey in the wilderness of this world. As “we follow” Christ*,* our “pillar of cloud and fire, goodness and mercy will surely follow us.” God will take care of us, as he took care “of his people in giving them water when they lacked it.”
v8-16: “Christ is both to us: our Joshua, the captain of our salvation who fights our battles, and our Moses, who in heaven always lives to make intercession, that our faith will not fail.” Whereas “Moses’ hands were heavy from praying,” our great intercessor does not faint or grow weary.
Exodus 18
v1-6: The names given to Moses’ two sons are significant. Gersham reminds us that God’s people “are all strangers on Earth” and Eliezer, that God is our helper who “has delivered us and will deliver us again.”
v7-12: When discussing news with others, “it can be turned to good advantage,” when it becomes an opportunity to note “the workings of God’s providence.”
v13-16: As a law giver and the judge among them, Moses was again a type of Christ, telling “them God’s will when they were not sure about it,” and explaining “God’s laws and decrees” that had been “already given to them.”
v17-27: Any advice that we give, must be done “with a humble submission to the word and Providence of God, which must overrule in every situation.”