Ephesians 6:1-9
v1-4: Children have a God-given duty to obey their parents, who have the responsibility for bringing up their children "in the knowledge of the duty that God requires of them and by which they may come to know him better." When children are obedient, they*"are often rewarded with outward prosperity"* although not always,"and where it is not, it is made up for with something better."
v5-9: Masters and servants, or as we might say today, employers and employees, are both to look to the Lord and what He requires of them. When they do that, "they will be more careful about their duty toward each other." Those employed will serve their employers well remembering that Christ "sees them and is always present with them, and that his authority obliges them to faithfully and conscientiously fulfil the duties of their position," and those who are employers will show their employees "the same goodwill and concern" they expect from them.