Ephesians 5:22-33
v22-24: Christ as head of the church, uses his authority to "save her from evil and supply her with everything good for her." In the same way, the husband as the head of his wife, "should seek the protection and comfort of his spouse," and in response the wife is submits to his lead "in everything lawful and consistent with their duty to God," out of love for him and obedience to God who has commanded this.
v25-30: Christ's love for the church is the example for husbands of what it means for them to love their wives. "The greatness of his love for the church was shown in his giving himself up to die for it," and He did this so that church, both in general and individual believers, would be sanctified now and glorified in the future. A husband loves his wife in this way by seeking to provide her with what is "necessary or good for her" and which*"leads to her eternal happiness and welfare."*
v31-33: The relationship between a husband and wife in marriage is a picture or a type that points beyond itself to the union between Christ and his church, and this relationship is model for every human marriage to follow.