Ephesians 5:15-21
v15-17: Living a holy and pure life will not be possible if we are not paying careful attention to how we are living by "consulting our Christian rule of conduct and referring to the directions we have in the [Scriptures]." We must also watch how we use our time by taking care to use it to do good while we are able to, and to watch against temptations.
v18-20: "Drunkenness is no friend to purity of life," and it "is a sin that rarely goes alone" carrying "people into gross sensuality and evil." Those who give into drunkenness are unlikely to be full of the Spirit. If we are filled with the Spirit, we "will be full of acts of devotion, and all proper expressions of it," including giving thanks "for our comforts but also for our sanctified sufferings," as well as "for the expressions of God's kindness and favour to others."
v21: Where there is a spirit of mutual submission among Christians, "the duties of the respective places and positions God has allotted us in the world... will be better performed."