Ephesians 3:14-21
v14-16: Paul asks God to give the Ephesians Christians spiritual blessings, "which are the best blessings and should be most wholeheartedly sought and prayed for by each one of us, both for ourselves and for our friends." He prays that they would be given the spiritual power and ability that comes from the Holy Spirit "to fulfil their duty, resist temptations, and endure persecution."
v17-19: "The dimensions of [Christ's] redeeming love are wonderful." Its breadth extends to "all ages, nations, and ranks of people." Its length continues "from eternity to eternity." Its depth stoops "down to the lowest condition of humanity, with the intention of helping and saving those who have sunk into the depths of sin and misery." Its height raises us up "to heavenly happiness and glory." Oh that we would know this love, experience this love, and be assured of this love. Let's pray that we would "more clearly grasp and more firmly believe" this wonderful love that Christ has for His people.
v20-21: God is "able to do more, abundantly more, exceedingly abundantly more" that we may ask or think of asking for. We can never exhaust His grace and mercy with our prayers. "When we turn to God, we should encourage our faith by considering his all-sufficiency and almighty power."