
Though written to the church in Ephesus, Ephesians is "the only one of all Paul's letters that has nothing in it especially adapted to the state or case of that particular church, but has much of common concern to all Christians." Paul's intention is to establish the Ephesians in the truth by reminding them of the great privileges they have, and in the light of these, what their main duties are and to "exhort and stir them to faithfully fulfil them."

Ephesians 1:1-10

v1-2: The members of the church in Ephesus are called the faithful saints in Christ Jesus.  They believed in Jesus, were "firm and constant in following Him," both His truths and His ways.  This is who we are, and who we are to be if our faith is in Jesus Christ.

v3: "No good can be expected from a righteous and holy God to sinful creatures except by Christ's mediation." We are blessed by God in Christ with every spiritual blessing and these "are the best blessings with which God blesses us" and for which we are to praise Him, exalt Him, and speak well of Him.

v4-6: Election and predestination are two spiritual blessings with which we are blessed in Christ.  In election, God chooses a people to be devoted to Him, and in predestination, He intends that this people "should become his adopted children and so enjoy the right to all the privileges and to the inheritance of children." This act of love took place "not only before God's people existed but even before the world began, for they were chosen in the purpose of God from all eternity."

v7-8: "There can be no forgiveness without redemption... We have this redemption in Christ, and this forgiveness through his blood," for "the guilt and the stain of sin could be removed only by the blood of Jesus."

v9-10: The good news of salvation and the offer of it we only know about because God has made it known to us through Christ, "who, having been at the side of the Father from eternity came to declare his will to human beings." Without the gospel we would be left in the dark about how we can be saved, so "how we should value this glorious gospel and bless God for it!"